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Chasing Ghosts
Chasing Ghosts (2005)连环追杀令 | English | FREE 免费
Type: Dramatic 剧情(爱情,家庭,青春,文艺,悲剧,伦理,喜剧)   Thriller 刺激(科幻,灾难,冒险,恐怖,惊悚,动作,悬疑,魔幻,战争)   
Directed By 导演:Kyle Dean Jackson
Written By 编剧:Corey LargeAlan Pao
Chasing Ghosts is a 2005 mystery film starring Michael Madsen.In this mysterious film noir thriller, a serial killer targeting the city's mobsters taunts police with clues and photos left behind at the crime scenes. A veteran cop (Micha... Read More >
Deceiver (1997)说谎游戏 | English | FREE 免费
Type: Dramatic 剧情(爱情,家庭,青春,文艺,悲剧,伦理,喜剧)   Thriller 刺激(科幻,灾难,冒险,恐怖,惊悚,动作,悬疑,魔幻,战争)   
Directed By 导演:Jonas PateJosh Pate
Written By 编剧:Jonas PateJosh Pate
Deceiver is a 1997 murder mystery film. It won Best Cinematography and Best Screenplay at the 1997 Stockholm Film Festival, and the Special Jury Prize at the 1998 Cognac Police Film Festival.Textile company heir Wayland is accused of m... Read More >
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