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Moby Dick
Moby Dick (2010)白鲸记 | English | FREE 免费
Type: Thriller 刺激(科幻,灾难,冒险,恐怖,惊悚,动作,悬疑,魔幻,战争)   
Directed By 导演:Trey Stokes
Written By 编剧:Paul BalesHerman Melville
Moby Dick (alternatively titled 2010: Moby Dick or Moby Dick: 2010) is a 2010 film adaptation of Herman Melville's novel Moby-Dick. The film is an Asylum production, and stars Barry Bostwick&... Read More >
FOR AMERICAN BADASS (2012)罗斯福:美国混蛋! | English | FREE 免费
Type: Dramatic 剧情(爱情,家庭,青春,文艺,悲剧,伦理,喜剧)   Thriller 刺激(科幻,灾难,冒险,恐怖,惊悚,动作,悬疑,魔幻,战争)   
Directed By 导演:Garrett Brawith
Written By 编剧:Ross Patterson
An outrageous, over-the-top spoof, FDR: American Badass is the untold true story of our country's greatest monster-hunting president!
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