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The Man Who Knew Infinity (2015) 知无涯者

The Man Who Knew Infinity
Language: Non-Chinese Movies 外语类电影 - English
Type: Dramatic 剧情(爱情,家庭,青春,文艺,悲剧,伦理,喜剧)   History & Biography 历史人物   
Score:7.2Wiki InfoIMDB >
Directed By 导演:Matt Brown
Written By 编剧:Matt Brown

The Man Who Knew Infinity is a 2015 British biographical drama film based on the 1991 book of the same name by Robert Kanigel. The film stars Dev Patel as Srinivasa Ramanujan, a real-life mathematician who after growing up poor in Madras,India, earns admittance to Cambridge University during World War I, where he becomes a pioneer in mathematical theories with the guidance of his professor, G. H. Hardy, portrayed by Jeremy Irons.

The story of the life and academic career of the pioneer Indian mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan, and his friendship with his mentor, Professor G.H. Hardy.

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