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THE LAST LOVECRAFT (2009) 最后的克拉夫特:恶魔的文物

Language: Non-Chinese Movies 外语类电影 - English
Type: Dramatic 剧情(爱情,家庭,青春,文艺,悲剧,伦理,喜剧)   Thriller 刺激(科幻,灾难,冒险,恐怖,惊悚,动作,悬疑,魔幻,战争)   
Score:5.6Wiki InfoIMDB >
Directed By 导演:Henry Saine
Written By 编剧:Devin McGinn

The Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu is a 2009 horror comedy film directed by Henry Saine about the last living relative of noted short-story writer H.P. Lovecraft.The film premiered at the Slamdance Film Festival and was acquired by MPI Media. It had its international theatrical release in August 2010 at Toronto's fifth annual After Dark Film Festival through MPI's Dark Sky Films label. It was later released on DVD and VOD in October 2010.

Jeff is an ordinary guy that is stuck at a dead end job with a boring life, but when a strange old man gives him an Ancient relic and tells him that he is the last bloodline of H.P. Lovecraft, He and his friend Charlie embark on an adventure to protect the relic piece from falling into the hands of the Starspawn and his minions that wish to reunite the relic and release Cthulhu back into the world. 

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