The Duff (stylized as The DUFF) is a 2015 American teen comedy film directed by Ari Sandel and written by Josh A. Cagan, based on the novel of the same name by Kody Keplinger with music by Dominic Lewis and produced by Susan Cartsonis, McG and Mary Viola. The film stars Mae Whitman, Robbie Amell, Bella Thorne, Nick Eversman, Skyler Samuels,Bianca A. Santos, Allison Janney, and Ken Jeong. The film was distributed by Lionsgate and CBS Films and co-produced by Vast Entertainment, CBS Films and Wonderland Sound and Vision. The film was released on February 20, 2015, byLionsgate and CBS Films. It is the first film for which Lionsgate took over CBS Films' distribution functions.
A high school senior instigates a social pecking order revolution after finding out that she has been labeled the DUFF - Designated Ugly Fat Friend - by her prettier, more popular counterparts.
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