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River of No Return (1954) 大江东去

River of No Return
Language: Non-Chinese Movies 外语类电影 - English
Type: Dramatic 剧情(爱情,家庭,青春,文艺,悲剧,伦理,喜剧)   Thriller 刺激(科幻,灾难,冒险,恐怖,惊悚,动作,悬疑,魔幻,战争)   
Score:6.7Wiki InfoIMDB >
Directed By 导演:Otto Preminger
Written By 编剧:Frank Fenton

River of No Return is a 1954 American Western film directed by Otto Preminger and starring Robert Mitchum and Marilyn Monroe. The screenplay by Frank Fenton is based on a story by Louis Lantz, who borrowed his premise from the 1948 Italian film The Bicycle Thief.It was made in Technicolor and CinemaScope and released by 20th Century Fox.

The titular river unites a farmer recently released from prison, his young son, and an ambitious saloon singer. In order to survive, each must be purged of anger, and each must learn to understand and care for the others.

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