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JOHNNY SUEDDE (1991) 梦幻强尼

Language: Non-Chinese Movies 外语类电影 - English
Type: Dramatic 剧情(爱情,家庭,青春,文艺,悲剧,伦理,喜剧)   
Score:5.8Wiki InfoIMDB >
Directed By 导演:Tom DiCillo
Written By 编剧:Tom DiCillo

Johnny Suede is a 1991 American film the directorial debut of Tom DiCillo, and stars Brad PittCatherine Keener,Calvin Levels and Nick Cave.

Johnny Suede is a young man with an attitude and an immense pompadour, who wants to be a rock n' roll star like his idol Ricky Nelson. He has all the stylistic accoutrements, except a pair of black suede shoes. One night, after leaving a nightclub, like manna from heaven, a pair of black suede shoes falls at his feet. Soon afterward, the recently completed Johnny meets Darlette, a sultry bohemian with whom he beds down for the night. In spite of Darlette's abusive gun-toting boyfriend, Johnny begins to see Darlette every day. But when Johnny is forced to pawn his guitar for rent money, Darlette mysteriously leaves him. Johnny's pal Deke fronts him the money to get his guitar out of hock, and the two form a band. Depressed about Darlette's desertion, he wanders aimlessly, and he meets Yvonne, a woman much wiser than Johnny who teaches him that there are things in life much more important than a pair of black suede shoes.

A struggling young musician and devoted fan of Ricky Nelson wants to be just like his idol and become a rock star.

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