Creepshow 2 is a 1987 American live-action/animated horror comedy anthology film directed by Michael Gornick, and the sequel to Creepshow. Gornick was previously the cinematographer of the first film, and the screenplay was written by Romero who was director of the original film. It was once again based upon stories by Stephen King, and features three more horror segments consisting of Old Chief Wooden Head, The Raft, and The Hitchhiker.
Unlike the first film, Creepshow 2 only contains three stories instead of 5. Originally two more stories consisted ofPinfall and Cat from Hell were set to appear in the film, but were scrapped due to budgetary reasons; the latter, however, has been filmed for Tales from the Darkside: The Movie. Creepshow 2 was followed by a sequel in 2006—which had no involvement from Stephen King or George Romero—titled Creepshow 3. The film was also Dorothy Lamour's last film before her death in 1996.
Three more bone-chilling tales that include a vengeful wooden Native American, a monstrous blob in a lake, and a hitchhiker who wants revenge and will not die.
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