Barely Lethal is a 2015 American teen independent action comedy film directed by Kyle Newman and written by John D'Arco, starring Hailee Steinfeld, Sophie Turner, Jessica Alba, and Samuel L. Jackson. The film follows a teenage special ops agent (Steinfeld) yearning for a "normal" adolescence who fakes her own death and enrolls as an "exchange" student in a suburban American high school. She quickly learns that surviving the treacherous waters of being a teenager can be more difficult than international espionage.
The film received an exclusive on-demand release by DirecTV Cinema on April 30, 2015 and a limited release in theaters by A24 and through video-on-demand on May 29, 2015. The film received mixed-to-negative reviews from critics.
A teenage special ops agent coveting a "normal" adolescence fakes her own death and enrolls in a suburban high school. She quickly learns that surviving the treacherous waters of high school is more challenging than international espionage.
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